PROVE D’ORIENTAMENTO [ATTEMPTS OF ORIENTATION] _ Takeover of IG profile @progettovicinanze #Altrove, 19-23 April 2022

A week-long journey of my personal take and reflections around the relationship and the border between the land and the sea.

It’s a non linear visual journey where stopovers flow into each others, in search of building a complex map, a possible vision, even if only fragmented. We are traveling in good company.


Un mare di terra _ A sea of earth

Cosa c’è al di là del mare? _ What’s there beyond the sea?

Il cielo sopra di me _ The sky above me

Linea d’orizzonte della terra _ Earth’s horizon line

La frontiera permeabile dell’oceano _ The permeable edge of the ocean

Saudade e tracce _ Saudade and traces

Il pianeta della saudade _ The planet of saudade

La pensée-paysage _ Thought-landscape


Project: Eleonora Marzani
Part of @progettovicinanze #Altrove, curated by Chiara Arturo and Cristina Cusani

Bibliography of quotes

Franco Cassano, Il Pensiero Meridiano
Gianni Celati, Verso la Foce
Eduardo Lourenço, Mitologia da Saudade
Michel Collot, La Pensée-Paysage

External Resources

